Saturday, December 11, 2010

DOING: What makes it Christmas

Yes, more brainstorming ideas for the Advent'ing season. I think doing is really what makes Christmas so special. Doing things with those we love. There are endless jobs that need to be done at Christmas time, on top of the regular duties of life, but they really don't have to boring and ordinary, here are a few ideas that have to be done anyway and might as well be made special:

Christmas Shopping Dates

We each take Kia on a "shopping date" before Christmas, where she can purchase items with us and we can enjoy some time together. We usually incorporate a little lunch date in our outing and make a whole afternoon of it. I think this is a great idea for couples as well, get a babysitter or book some time off while the kids are in school to meet and do some shopping together for the family.


Get everyone involved in Christmas by booking time to decorate together. Save little Christmas goodies for the kids to put up in their bedroom, even if it's as simple as a string of lights. There is something magical about having a few Christmasey things in your bedroom.

Doing a Good Deed

Do errands for a aging neighbour, shovel snow of your neighbors sidewalk, invite some kids in the neighbourhood over to go sleigh riding or ice skating and give their parents some time to themselves.

Send a Christmas Card

Take the time to write a note on a Christmas card and send it. Nice things in the mail is a novelty these days!

Christmas Inspection

Set the timer for an hour and set everyone to work getting the house ready (yes, I mean cleaning) for Christmas, plan a fun reward for the end so everyone has something to work towards. Maybe a holiday lights drive, or an outing for hot chocolate and donuts, or even a night of games at home with the popcorn and a crackling fire will act as motivation.

Watching: Favorite Christmas Movies

Favorite Christmas Movies
from the perspective of Mom

The 1994 version with Susan Sarandon, Winona Ryder and Claire Danes is so great. Gotta love a young Christian Bale as Laurie.

The 1949 version with Liz Taylor as Amy is a classic, but hard to find. I treasure my copy and watch it on the old VHS player every Christmas.

Proof that Mary Steenburgen is in EVERYTHING. Such a sweet little story about appreciating what you have, especially when it doesn't seem that by the world's standards, you have enough.

This was a great movie to share with my family. It is a lovely movie that covers the biblical depiction of the birth of Christ. A must see for children 8+.

I channel my inner elf and eat nothing but candy as I watch this comedy every year.
"Watch out for the yellow ones, they don't stop!"

Favorite Christmas Movies
from the perspective of the younger one

"I like how Eloise gives so many gifts and buys them herself.
Plus she lives in a cool hotel in New York city."

Gotta feel bad for Max every single year, it's a tradition.

She likes them all but for some reason she said this one was her favorite.

"A fun Christmas train trip with lots of adventures on the way."

"They're just funny"